Discover the Power of Language – Boost Your Brain and Personal Growth

Language Learning

Ever thought about learning a new language? Well, buckle up, because not only can it unlock new cultures, friends, and opportunities, but it can also supercharge your brain! In this article, we’ll uncover some amazing benefits of learning a new language and why it’s the key to personal growth and a healthier mind.

Brain Gym – Enhance Focus, Agility, and Keep Your Brain Young

For starters, learning a new language is like a gym membership for your brain. Research published in the Journal of Neurolinguistics reveals that bilinguals have better focus and can switch between tasks more easily. That’s because juggling multiple languages works out your brain, making it stronger and more agile. And the best part? It helps keep your brain young! A study in Annals of Neurology found that bilinguals start showing dementia symptoms about 4.5 years later than monolinguals, thanks to the constant mental workout that comes with using multiple languages.

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Brain Gym

Sharpen Memory and Forge New Connections – Unleash Your Brain’s Potential

But wait, there’s more! Learning a new language can sharpen your memory too. A study in Cortex discovered that bilinguals have better verbal memory than their monolingual counterparts. Your brain is always processing and storing new language tidbits, which exercises and strengthens your memory muscles. And if that’s not enough, your brain will also forge new connections! Research in Brain and Language showed that bilingual people have more connections between different brain regions. Learning a new language pushes your brain to create new pathways, improving its overall performance. Plus, mastering another language enhances your brain’s ability to process information. A study in Brain and Cognition found that bilinguals are better at perceiving and processing visual and auditory information, as their brains constantly juggle multiple languages, enhancing their ability to handle other types of data.

Unlock a World of Possibilities – Dive into Language Learning and Transform Your Life

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In a nutshell, learning a new language is a game-changer for your brain and personal growth. It can boost your cognitive abilities, keep your brain young, enhance your memory, increase brain connectivity, and improve information processing. So, what are you waiting for? Dive into a new language today and embark on a journey that will unlock a world of possibilities! And while you’re at it, be sure to check out our other articles and resources on to help you navigate the exciting world of language learning. Your brain (and future self) will thank you!

Increase language skills and Productivity with the Pomodoro Technique

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Studying and Working with the Pomodoro Technicque

A Matter of Space

It often happens that we need our own space to improve our skills in a foreign language, but we often underestimate that carving out a time slot could be the key to achieving our goal.

The Right Method

One method that can be surprisingly effective is the Pomodoro Technique (Pomodoro in Italian means tomato and the concept spins around the fact that you cut tomatoes in smaller segments).

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management strategy based on breaks, which can be used when studying a foreign language. The method is simple: work for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break. After four Pomodoros, or work sessions, take a longer break of 15-20 minutes.

This technique is very useful to maintain both concentration and motivation. Knowing that you only have to work for 25 minutes makes it much easier to complete the task at hand. Additionally, by taking regular breaks and completing one session each time, you will also find that motivation levels remain high throughout the work period.

Dividing Work into Sessions

This technique can also be used to break down larger tasks into smaller and more manageable parts. For instance, if you have the goal of reading a chapter of a book every day, you can use the Pomodoro Technique to divide it into 25-minute sessions.

Obviously, this technique is very valuable for studying anything, so if you feel that your concentration is decreasing, try the Pomodoro Technique!


Nel 1874 venne coniata in modo creativo la parola inglese “GHOTI”, che vuol dire “pesce”.
#inglese #ortografia #irregolarità #fish #pesce #ghoti #lingue #perte #neiperte


Nel 1874 venne coniata in modo creativo la parola inglese “GHOTI”, che vuol dire “pesce”. #inglese #ortografia #irregolarità #fish #pesce #ghoti #lingue #perte #neiperte

♬ Venezolana – Juan Vicente Torrealba

John Barleycorn

An ancient tribute to beer making

I have always loved old stories, oral traditions, and this ancient English song is no exception. A step-by-step guide on how to make beer…poor John Barleycorn SHOULD DIE.

It is quarantine time and I decided to join the #quarantunes hashtag just for fun, so I always wanted to sing and play this one song that became extremely famous thanks to the TRAFFIC.

Instead I actually got to hear this song the first time on a tape, the singer was JOHN RENBOURN, an amazing guitar player and storyteller. So after so many years here I am, enduring a lockdown in Italy, trying to overcome boredome and mental insanity playing and singing what I like non-stop.

Thanks to:

MARTIN ESPOSITO – Guitar and Lead Vox



And btw, I am the one singing and playing the fiddle!

I hope you enjoy the music on my youtube channel Seán Silla, and if you do, please LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE! That would be a great way to show your support to my music!

Imparare l’inglese partendo dalla Grammatica?

Se siete attanagliati da dubbi riguardanti la grammatica della lingua inglese, non sapete la differenza tra Present Simple e Present Continuous e, ahimè, delle varie forme dei Conditionals, non c’è assolutamente motivo di buttarsi giù. 

Al giorno d’oggi le soluzioni adottabili in tal caso sono sempre di più e sempre più accessibili, ad esempio: bastano pochi secondi per effettuare brevi ed efficaci ricerche online per scoprire le varie parti della grammatica inglese (o di qualsiasi altra lingua), oppure per capire quali sono le risorse anche cartacee disponibili.

Tra tutte queste soluzioni sparse nella rete è però estremamente facile perdersi e non capire bene da dove iniziare, o almeno come collegare i vari tasselli che compongono una lingua.

A questo proposito vorrei proporti un libro che a mio avviso è il vademecum, quindi una guida dettagliata della English Grammar, sto parlando di un libro intitolato “English Grammar in Use” scritto da Raymond Murphy.

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Un libro non solo completo, ma che dipendendo dalla versione scelta avrà per voi anche un programma pieno di esercizi con verifica automatica delle risposte, audio ed esercizi extra.

Non dimenticate mai però che la chiave per imparare una nuova lingua è senza dubbio parlarla.